West London Retail Skills Hub and Spark! are pleased to announce new half-term sessions for 16-18-year-olds. From Wednesday 30 October to Friday 1 November, young people can learn about different retail careers and pathways, develop vital employability skills through an exciting group project, and receive help and advice for applying to live retail vacancies.
Day 1 – Discover Retail Careers
Retail is more than just a Saturday job – it can be an exciting and varied career. Discover first-hand from professionals and develop skills key to retail.
Day 2 – Retail Business Challenge
Build on skills learned on day 1 in a group ‘retail challenge’ project. Topics include visual merchandising, digital, marketing, customer service and more.
Day 3 – Retail Job Application Clinic
Work with professionals to build your CV and learn how to apply for retail jobs. Take part in mock interviews with real employers, and get support to apply for live retail vacancies.
If you’re aged 16-18 and would like to join, please sign up here; if you’re a careers advisor or parent/carer and would like more information, please email us.